Архив за 26 декабря, 2022

26 December, 12:59Экономика
Минфин в 2023 году не будет пополнять ФНБ при нефти ниже $70

Минфин РФ в 2023 году при цене нефти ниже $70 за бaррель не будет пополнять Фонд нaционального благосостояния (ФНБ), а если ценa будет «совсем низкой», увеличит заимствования или использует средства фонда. Об этом заявил глава министерства Антон Силуaнов в интервью телеканaлу Asharq News.

26 December, 12:44Интервью
Александр Новак: Россию на нефтегазовом рынке некому заменить

Этот год для российского ТЭКа выдался крайне непростым: сначала отрасль столкнулась с санкционным давлением, проблемами с «Северными потоками», затем — с эмбарго Европы и потолками цен на нефть и газ. При этом, хотя многие прогнозировали серьезное падение российской добычи и экспорта, на деле пока все оказывается не так страшно.

26 December, 11:33Отчеты
Price forecast from 26 to 30 of December 2022

Energy market:

In Poland, in order to keep warm, they began to heat stoves with oats. For many who live in the countryside, this is cheaper than heating their homes with coal or gas. And then there is fish oil, overcooked butter from restaurants, old furniture, rags and waste paper. We see the beginning of the cleansing of Europe.

All gifts! Happy New Year.


This issue has been prepared with the direct participation of analysts from eOil.ru and IDK.ru trading platforms. Here an assessment of the situation in the world and Russian markets is given.

The market is nervous and growing. On Monday or Tuesday, a decree on Russia’s response to the embargo will see the light of day. Novak has already said that energy supplies to countries that have set a price ceiling, as well as to countries that are subject to this decision, will not be carried out. Moreover, we are talking not only about oil, but also about oil products.

In addition, a unilateral reduction in oil production by 500-700 thousand barrels per day was announced. This is not a very strong blow for the global market, but here it is important that none of the major exporters open their mouths in this situation, on the topic that we can replace the dropped volumes, redirect, strengthen and stuff like that. Then you can count on the return of prices for Brent oil above the level of 90.00.

The Americans and the British are working with tanker owners. At the moment, it is already clear that Russia will not have enough of its existing capacity to transport oil to Asia. Therefore, in a hurry, an enterprise is being created with India, the task of which will be to ensure the uninterrupted transportation of resources. There will be no quick effect, but now we need brave captains, and no less brave financiers. However, a huge discount for India should cover all the risks.

On the eOil.ru electronic trading platform, quotations for diesel fuel approached the level of 85,000 rubles per ton, but so far they have not been able to take it. Europe’s refusal of Russian energy carriers from February 5 may significantly increase the supply of diesel fuel on the domestic market, which will lead to a drop in prices within the country.

Reading our forecasts, you could take a move up the dollar / ruble pair from the level of 60.00 to the level of 72.00 rubles per dollar.

26 December, 11:13Отчеты
Прогноз биржевых цен на 26 декабря 2022


Рынок нефти ждет решения правительства РФ. Подписанный указ о контрмерах к Западу, на ввод эмбарго, должен быть опубликован сегодня или завтра. Ощущается нервозность. Если будет ясно, что Россия сократит добычу, то это может подтолкнуть цены к уровню 90.00.

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